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AirZone HVAC Services Proudly Sponsors ICSS Golf Tournament

At AirZone HVAC Services, we take immense pride in supporting our local community and contributing to causes that make a difference. Last week, we had the distinct honor of being a major sponsor of the ICSS Golf Tournament, an event held at the beautiful Greyhawk Golf Course. This tournament was organized to raise funds for Innovative Community Support Services (ICSS), a remarkable non-profit organization dedicated to fostering opportunities for individuals to actively participate in and fully contribute to their community.

Sponsoring for a Cause

As a major sponsor, AirZone HVAC Services played a significant role in the event’s success. We proudly sponsored Hole 11, creating an engaging and fun experience for all participants. Additionally, we collaborated with other sponsors to provide a delightful dinner, ensuring that the evening was memorable for everyone involved.

A Day of Fun and Philanthropy

The AirZone HVAC team had a fantastic time at the tournament, enjoying the beautiful weather, the challenging course, and the camaraderie of fellow participants. More importantly, we were thrilled to support ICSS in their mission to enhance the quality of life for individuals in our community. The funds raised during the tournament will go a long way in supporting the vital services ICSS provides every day.

About ICSS

Innovative Community Support Services (ICSS) is a non-profit organization based in Ottawa, dedicated to offering individuals the opportunities to engage actively in their community and make meaningful contributions. Their work encompasses a wide range of support services, including residential programs, day programs, and community participation activities. By promoting inclusion and empowerment, ICSS helps individuals lead fulfilling lives.

Join Us in Supporting ICSS

We invite everyone to join us in supporting this worthy cause. Donations to ICSS help sustain their programs and expand their reach, making a positive impact on the lives of many in our community. To contribute, please visit ICSS Donation Page.

At AirZone HVAC Services, we believe in giving back to the community that has supported us over the years. Our participation in the ICSS Golf Tournament is just one example of our commitment to making a difference. We look forward to continuing our support for ICSS and other community initiatives in the future.

ICSS Charity Golf Tournament 2024 Ottawa

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